Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our trip to Paris in February, Rosa Nitida customer review, outfits, "friend art"

Hello there!

First of all, thank you for following my blog and for all the interest towards my work. It's more than enough for me to hear that the people I have made items to have liked the results of my work. Please feel free to read a very good review about a pirae lolita hat that I made as a commission for Anne: CLICK HERE
Thank you Anne for this sweet and very detailed review and for giving me the permission to link it on Rosa Nitida! <3

Me and my boyfriend had a short trip to Paris a while ago although I'm having a trip there again next weekend to see Kaya performing live. I can't wait! Not to mention that I will meet with some of my friends and visit several places such as "Princess Crepe", Harajuku store and BABY's store during the trip again.

Our trip was mainly for relaxation, so I asked if Heylika would be able to arrange a small meeting with couple of people. She was so kind that asked few people to participate for lunch and a trip to the beautiful Paris Aquarium! We had a lot of fun and it was really nice to make new friends again. <3
I also got this beautiful heartshaped box full of chocolate and colourful fruit shaped almond paste sweets as a gift from the girls. I took photos of these, but can't upload them from the camera yet. I'll post the photos later, for sure - btw, I ate all the chocolates and almond paste already, haha. Omnom!~

Unfortunately, our camera stopped working for a reason or another during the trip, so the amount of photos ended up being less than I planned. However, I have couple of nice shots to share with you once again.

I will also post couple of photos of my daily outfits that I was supposed to share with you a long time ago already although most of the friends of mine must have seen these on my Facebook already.

Plus, here's the original version of the drawing that was made by a lovely artist "anka" who is currently located in New York. I wish I was that pretty in real life, haha. :'D Thank you very much for this lovely gift! We framed it and put it on the wall - it's absolutely beautiful.

So, here are the photos that we took during our trip. Thank you for Camille Tkm for taking some of the photos!

(If you were wondering where I got the idea for the hair accessory, please feel free to check out the traditional Chinese Han Dynasty hair accessory: CLICK HERE and Lord of the Rings' Elves: CLICK HERE)

(I absolutely hate cars. As I have stated before, they aren't only an environmental threat, but they also keep ruining the beautiful scenery and my pics! >:E)

We very rarely take any photos with my boyfriend although I have these great ideas of a bit more "artistic" photos that we could take together sometime. He doesn't seem to be very excited about those, though, haha. As you can see, I'm a lot taller than my boyfriend and bigger in every way too as he is the skinniest person I have ever met in my life, really. However, it's not the looks or age that matter (yes, he is a lot older than I), but I love and respect him for being the kind and caring person that he is. And as you can imagine, he doesn't love me because of my looks either. There aren't that many men that would have the balls to date a women that are over 10cm taller than they are. Not to mention that my head is bigger than his, LOL.

The travel outfit - I wish I took more photos of it as it was so warm and comfortable.

And because in France food is so good that I almost cried when eating the snail soup. It was beyond this world, believe me. <3 *drools at the thought of the soup*

Scorpions covered with chocolate, anyone? <3

Or how about Tequila lollipops with real worms inside? O.o

And here are some of the outfits that I had the chance to take photos of. I wear lolita and aristocrat very often, but I rarely have the time to take any good quality photos although we have a good camera, so I need to apologize for the horrible cellphone quality. Notice that there are some photos of more than casual outfits.

This was my more or less horrible Halloween outfit. I must say that I don't prefer cutesy colours on myself. And you know, just lately it seems like people are getting into this really EXTREMELY girly and colourful styles while my own personal style gets more masculine. O.o

This photo was taken by one of my dearest friends that I have had the honor to know ever since we were on third grade in elementary school. <3 Thank you, Ninni!

I finally found myself good quality and comfortable shoes that I can wear while travelling: New Rocks (and yes, I'm wearing PVC pants... xD)

At my favourite cafeteria, Cafe Chappel, in Helsinki:

Okay, well, that was it, I guess. Please feel free to comment, give constructive critisism and ask me about anything. I try my best to find the time to answer all the comments as soon as possible. :)

For now, off to do commissions that is!

Many hugs,


  1. You always look so amazing, please never stop being the wonderfull person that you already are ♥ You are so inspirational!

    And I love the drawing of you. The person who made it for you is very talented, it looks incredible!

  2. I always get this crazy urge to go EGL when I see you ;_;

  3. You always look so beautiful!
    I really like the hair accessory in the pictures while you was in Paris, it makes that oufit even more amazing.
    And you are welcome, for me it's a honor to be on you blog. ^___^
    The drawing is amazing, the person who made this, is so talented.

  4. Every outfit is amazing! You look really beautiful. I would really like to see "artistic" photos of you and your boyfriend as well! ^_^

  5. If you're going back to Paris, you should check out Voriagh ( They recently opened their physical shop next to Bastille. It's my favourite shop and the designers are so nice too. :)

  6. Ahh you are so stylish as usual! I really like your travelling outfit. I get what you mean that sweet lolita isn't really your thing. Maybe it lacks a certain elegance that you require?

  7. You look amazing as usual!<3 Please stay the way you are, cause you're really an inspiration for me!

    Love the Paris pictures, though the lollipops with real worms sounds horrid, did you try them?
    I wouldn't dare hihi!

    And the picture of you and your boyfriend together is so cute!

  8. I always get this crazy urge to go EGL when I see you ;_;

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