(Me in Lithuania. Pictures taken by the wonderful artist, Natalie Shau. Notice my cute seahorse friend in the cage. The dress I'm wearing is made and designed by me.)
A piece of philosophy: "The definition for normal is that there is no definition for it. What a paradox that is."
It has been a while since the last time I found time to update my blog. I'm truly apologizing for that, but as many of my friends already know, I take my studies quite seriously and want to do my best with them (education is the first priority for me). I have been spending quite a lot of time abroad and travelled in many countries, especially in Holland and the city where I'm moving into June the 7th: Amsterdam.
And why did I decide to move to Amsterdam? Well, it's quite simple: I fell in love and want to live closer to the person who has turned my world into something so much brighter and beautiful. However, packing is causing me loads of headache.. How can one person have this much stuff everywhere!? I need to buy more suitcases, because four isn't enough if one of the biggest luggage is filled by shoes only and one is filled with jewellery, accessories and make up.
Me is in trouble, guys. :')
This is supposed to be only a short update with few pics taken recently. I'm quite busy and have lots of things to do (writing 8 essays, reading 4 thick books for school, 7 exams from which one is 3hour exam, one 4 hour exam and 5 two hour exam (maths, Finnish language, physics, chemistry, Swedish language, other maths and psychology), doing my art works, sewing - working, packing, arranging one almost 50 people lolita meeting held in few weeks, helping several people out in different things, meeting my friends, taking care of my own health etc. etc....). I'm about to have an another burn out very soon if I don't have any vacation in the near future. On the worst days I'm working 21 hours a day with school and everything which isn't a good sign. That's one of the main reasons why I haven't posted any pictures recently: I don't have time to wear lolita because, as a sort of a perfectionist, I want my hair, make up and outfits to be spot on and that takes lots of time, naturally.
So, here are the pics:
Pictures taken by Natalie Shau:

(THIS is the real colour of my eyebrows - as you can see, they are very white. I dyed my hair back to blonde after this photoshoot because I wasn't satisfied with this shade.)

(Even my skinny arms and legs used to be something to bully of when I was in elementary school...)

Then, few pics that I took one morning (or night to be exact) while packing my things at home - as you can see I was in the middle of packing some stuff from the kitchen:
(Underneath all my thick make up I'm such a babyface - it's actually very unusual for an extremely skinny and very tall (over than 6ft) girl to have as round cheeks as I do. Some people have said that I look like a five-year-old. Haha. However, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to have a cute childish face It's actually quite hard to make very sharp face cute and soft, but with the right kind of a make-up cute and round face can be transformed into something very edgy. Notice that many Japanese lolitas, and women in general, look so cute partly because of their round cheeks. It's a generic thing - Nordic people have round cheeks and higher fat percentage even when it comes to skinny people because of the cold climate --- evolution. Finnish people actually herit from the same area with Koreans, for example.)
(I can't help it: I love long black fake nails - unfortunately, I cannot wear them so often because of my work and studies. Oh, and my favourite cup on the right side of the picture which says "Neron kuppi - näitä ei nuijille edes myydä"/translation: "The cup of a genius - these aren't even sold to dumbasses" My computer programmer friends bought this cup to me as a gift when I taught them some HTML coding.)
(For your lulz: Me in my pajamas. Sorry for the very bad lighting.)
Then, about the commissions:
Due to the fact that I'm always so busy with my studies and work, I won't be taking many commissions from people in the future. Instead I will sew and make the clothes beforehand and sell them on EGL comm sales afterwards. I will be letting everyone know when I put something on sale there, hopefully few hats find their ways to the sales already. :)
P.S. I'm having a trip to Paris with my boyfriend next month. Any recommendations for restaurants, cafés etc.? BABY's store is a must, of course.
I will answer your comments as soon as possible. Thank you for those. <3
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Many hugs,
Ihana postaus ja ihania kuvia~
ReplyDeleteOnnea Amsterdamiin, toivottavasti jatkat sieltä käsin postailua myös :)
Mutta, mutta...Yksi ihan hirveän pieni kohta tässä postauksessa jäi häiritsemään minua. Nimittäin seuraava:
"Finnish people actually herit from the same area with Koreans, for example.)"
Viittaatko tässä nyt niihin 1700-luvulta periytyviin, saksalaisten filosofien rotuteorioihin, joiden mukaan suomalaiset ovat mongoleja? (mikä itsessään on kyllä ihan mielenkiintoinen teoria) Mutta viimeisin tieto, joka minut on saavuttanut, kertoo suomalaisten geeniperimän olevan osittain nykyisen Ukrainan alueelta ja osittain Espanjasta (tästä taisi uutisoida Tiede-lehti joskus viime vuoden puolella).
Liittyi aiheeseen suuresti, mutta kiinnostaa vain tietää onko sinulla jotain sellaista jännää tietoa, jota minulla ei ole :'D
P.S. Kirjoitin vähän samantyyppisen kommentin aiemminkin, mutta lähetettäessä se näytti katoavan jonnekin bittiavaruuteen. Joten jos kaksi lähes identtistä kommenttia saavuttavat sinua, jätä toinen huomiotta.
Mukavaa että oot taas tänne päässyt kirjoittelemaan. Miksi minä muistin että sinä olisit muutanut amerikkaan.... tai sitten sekoitan sinut mun yhteen kaveriin joka tais tänä kesänä mennä vasta käymään poikaystävänsä luona. Joo, no mie muistin väärin. Harmittaa vain sunnattomasti että me ei varmaan tulla näkemään toisiamme... :/ Mulla kun sattuu olemaan sulle yks pikku koru jonka oon sulle hankkinut viime vuonna joululahjaks mutta en sitten ookaan nähny sua joten se luovuttaminen on ollut mahdotonta.
ReplyDeleteToivottavasti kaikki opiskelut menee sulle hyvin ja päset hyvillä mielin muuttamaan amsterdamiin.
Ajatella että sie muutat niinkin kauks suomesta.. O.o Ootko milloin sitten tulossa seuraavan kerran suomeen?
- Exist_
(toivottavasi sie nyt muistat miut x'D)
Aaah it's nice to hear that you are moving to Amsterdam!
ReplyDeleteThe photo's look amazing!
I especially like the first one.
You really are so beautifull!
Wow, you got to work with Natalie Shau! She's one of my favorite photographers *o* The photos came out great!
ReplyDeleteheh oon menossa käymään Amsterdamissa enskuussa!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad i found your blog! I'm a secret admirer of yours ^^
ReplyDeleteGood luck with moving abroad! I know what it's like ^^
Aaah, so great you are moving to Amsterdam^^ We still should meet some time, so great to hear you are going to settle near by! Good luck with moving and everything, hope everything will go smooth and you are settled soon! Your pictures are amazing as always!:)
ReplyDeleteSincerely, Josine
Namae: kiitos paljon kommentistasi! Saan nykyisin aivan kamalasti seka kannustavia etta erittain rakentavia kommentteja ihmislta, joten kiitokset niista. :) Kiva kuulla, etta tykkasit postauksesta ja tulen aivan varmasti jatkamaan tanne kirjoittelua silla rakentelen tasta tulevan vaatemerkkini sivua tulevaisuudessa. :)
ReplyDeleteEn usko sen liittyvan saksalaisten filosofien rotuteorioihin vaan lainasin entista biologian opettajaani, joka nain joskus aikoinaan meni vaittamaan. Voin kuitenkin yrittaa kaivaa tietoa viela jostain ja selvitella, etta mihin tieto noin tarkalleen ottaen perustuu. olen kuullut aika monen vaittavan samaa. taytyy tarkistaa, kiitos kun huomautit! Todella mielenkiintoista. :)
Muistelinkin Tiede-lehdessa joskus olleen artikkelia aiheesta - vai oliko se Tieteen kuvalehti? En ole nyt aivan varma, mutta myos uusimmissa biologian oppikirjoissakin puhuttiin aikaisemmin jotain suomalaisten perimasta. taytyy siitakin lukea lisaa. Kiitos kun muistutit! :)
joudun valitettavasti jattamaan vastaukseni talla kertaa aika lyhyiksi silla saan aivan kamalasti kommentteja Facebookissa ja joka paikassa ettei oikein meinaa aika riittaa. Kiitos kuitenkin kommentoinnista. Arvostan sita aivan hirmuisesti. <3
Paljon haleja ja hauskaa kesan alkua,
dream Doll Diva: hei, ja kiitos paljon kommentistasi! Ilo oli kokonaan minun puolellani ja ihanaa, etta tykkasit. :)
Olen tosiaan ehka myohemmin muuttamassa Yhdysvaltoihin, mutta katsoo sita sitten myohemmin. Talla hetkella olisi kuitenkin Amsterdam tahtaimessa.
Todella, harmittaa, etten ole paassyt tapaamaan kaikkia niita ihania ihmisia, jotka ovat olleet tukemassa tata harrastustani ja olleet muutenkin aina lasna. mutta, ainahan minut loytaa netista, erityisesti Facebookista, joten.. No, eihan se ole sama asia, mutta kumminkin. :') Ja voi, kuinka ihanasti ajateltu. Nahdaan joku paiva tulevaisuudessa niin saan antaa sinulle jotain vastalahjaksi.
kiitos paljon. Tahan mennessa kirjoituksista on tullut L:aa ja E:ta, joten hyvin on mennyt. :) Olen Suomessa taas syksylla, joten toivottavasti naemme silloin ellet sitten ole aikaisemmin tulossa kylailemaan esim. Amsterdamiin.
Paljon haleja,
(Ja tottakai mina sinut muistan :))
Niesje7002: thank you so very much, sweetie! I am absolutely excited of moving abroad.
Thank you for commenting!
Many hugs,
Stephany: Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, I feel so lucky to have the chance to work with her. She is such an amazing artist in so many ways. I'm happy to hear that you like the pics. <3
Many hugs,
Cinnamonhusky: Milloin olet tulossa kaymaan? olen jo 8.6. alkaen muuttanut virallisesti dameihin, joten jos haluat tavata niin ilmoittele ihmeessa! :)
Paljon haleja,
Zeruda: Oh, you are so sweet! Thank you so much. I'm glad that you found my blog and commented me. :) It really inspires me to write more often. *blush*
Lots of hugs,
Yes, I will be there starting from 8.6., so if you have time in summer for a cup of tea or coffee, let me know. Now we have more chances to meet if you have time. :) Plus, it's cheaper for both of us if you want to order something again. you're always so sweet, thank you for the support.
Lots of hugs,
Hi, I'm definitely interested in order something in the future and I'm looking so forward to meet you! Good luck with moving, it's a big step, but I'm sure everything will be alright!^^ Let me know when you're settled and then we can sure go for a cup of tea some time!:D
ReplyDeleteMany hugs,
It's awesome you're going to live in Amsterdam ^^
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could come to the summer meeting of the Dutch lolita forum?
Iira your blog is so amazing. I fallowing from now on. I hope you don't mind!
ReplyDeletelove your photos, I also wanted to say that I love your blogs (even fell in love with Malice Mizer)